
Dr Allen Turnbull

Dr Turnbull’s specialty areas are lower limb, sports injuries and arthritis. He is experienced in the latest innovative procedures such as minimally invasive hip replacement.

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Dr Allen Turnbull

Practice Location

Orthocentre, Kareena Private Hospital, Caringbah




Dr Turnbull's specialty areas are lower limb, sports injuries and arthritis. He is experienced in the latest innovative procedures such as minimally invasive hip replacement.

He is currently on an international design and research team for hip prosthesis. Dr Turnbull's most common surgeries include joint replacement both primary and revision surgery, arthroscopic and ligament reconstructive surgery.

Dr Turnbull graduated from The University of New South Wales in 1980. He completed his residency training at the St George Hospital and was appointed to the Sydney Orthopaedic Training Scheme, which he completed in 1984.

During his training, he was selected as the Australian-American Orthopaedic Association Travelling Fellow.