
Arthroplasty and Trauma Fellowship (South Australia)

The Fellowship is to provide experience and training in total joint arthroplasty, training in navigation, seminars on complex and difficult cases and clinical discussions.

Category: .
Professor Jegan Krishnan
Professor Graham Mercer
Practice Locations

Flinders Medical Centre
Repatriation General Hospital


12 Months

Orthopaedic Fellowship Information
The Fellowship is to provide experience and training in total joint arthroplasty of the knee, hip, shoulder and ankle, training in navigation - assisted arthroplasty, revision arthroplasty of the hip and knee, arthroscopes and reconstruction, seminars on complex and difficult cases and clinical discussions of surgical skills and techniques, common presentations, management alternatives, non-surgical and surgical intervention, infection control, rehabilitation, pre-operative planning, implant design and benefits, research programmes and development in training and education.


Minimum Requirements